Financial & Legal


Financial Issues

Running an overseas program requires strict financial accountability no matter the distance from the home campus.   

We can work with you to:

  • Manage all financial matters, including expenditures, bookkeeping, bank account reconciliation, and budget forecasting

  • Maintain detailed financial records

  • Create and submit financial reports to the home university

  • Complete bank forms and updates

  • Complete monthly payroll for tutors and staff

  • Set up and manage client bank accounts for your institution


Legal Issues

Ensuring legal and tax compliance with an unfamiliar overseas environment can be confusing and intimidating. At the same time you need to ensure all activities are properly legal in the host country.
We can:

  • Organize audits, registrations and other legal matters

  • Review and revise your program’s tax liability

  • Complete annual charity status related forms

  • Run monthly payroll that meets local tax authority requirements

  • Maintain employment and tutor contracts